10 Domain CISSP untuk Persiapan Sertifikasi
Kolom TI Muhammad Idham Azhari
Berikut sharing TI (Teknologi Informasi) pada Kolom TI Muhammad Idham Azhari 30 September 2017, “10 Domain CISSP untuk Persiapan Sertifikasi”.
Muhammad Idham Azhari, Kompasser Jakarta, IT Consultant, dan Mentor Komunitas Bisnis Online & Internet Marketing SB1M.
Berikut ini 10 Domain CISSP untuk Persiapan Sertifikasi:
Access Control
A collection of mechanisms that work together to create security architecture to protect the assets of the information system.
Telecommunications and Network Security
Discusses network structures,transmission methods, transport formats and security measures used toprovide availability, integrity and confidentiality.
Information Security Governance and Risk Management
The identification of an organization’s information assets and the development, documentation and implementation of policies, standards, procedures and guidelines.
Application Development Security
Refers to the controls that are included within systems and applications software and the steps used in their development.
The principles, means and methods of disguising information to ensure its integrity, confidentiality and authenticity.
Security Architecture and Design
Contains the concepts, principles, structures and standards used to design,implement, monitor, and secure, operating systems, equipment, networks, applications, and those controls used to enforce various levels of confidentiality, integrity and availability.
Operations Security
Used to identify the controls over hardware, media and the operators with access privileges to any of these resources.
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning
Addresses the preservation of the business in the face of major disruptions to normal business operations.
Legal, Regulations, Investigations and Compliance
Addresses computer crime laws and regulations; the investigative measures and techniques which can be used to determine if a crime has been committed and methods to gatherevidence.
Physical and Environmental Security
Addresses the threats, vulnerabilities and countermeasures that can be utilized tophysically protect an enterprise’s resources and sensitive information.
Sumber: Materi Training CISSP Jakarta